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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() NUS Medicine KEVIIan FM Foilist 05S15 Victoria Junior College AHSJAB VJ Epeeist Caixin Cats and cats =) ...St.John Gina '05 Johanna '05 Huiling '05 Li Ting Y. '04 Sabrina '04 Clarice '04 Shiya '04 Crystal '04 WenBin '04 Hannah '03 Joyce '03 Joycelyn '03 Kok Keng '03 Ho Yan '03 PinRu '03 Jonathan '02 Yu Han '02 Matthew '02 Evelyn '01 Vanessa '01 Jia Yan '01 Si Hui '01 Wei Quan '01 Kia Boon '01 Peng Siang '99 Home of the XiNxIaNs! Squad 5 2006 Squad 4 2006 Squad 3 2006 Squad 2 2006 ...siblings Jaina Fel =) My sister's Wedge/Biggles site! =) ...Church The Allegiance HsiaPin DeZhi Chee Keen ...AHS 4F FuJing XiaoQuan John ...AHS Kinabalu Wen Rong, Mt K-er Natalia, Mt K-er ...AHS 2E Charlene ...VJC 05S15 Sharifah Lionel JiaMin Stella Dory*inda Jon ChuaH Vibha Phoon LiLing Derek Jingyi ...Fencing FENCING MASTERS VJC Fencing (blog) VJC Fencing (school) Vanna George Candice Sun ...NUS Medicine Lakota Bombini Julia Ruth Charlene JiaYi Daniel Kok Pun Theng Wai blogspot blogskins SEE YOUR IP ADDRESS Archives January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009
| Monday, October 31, 2005 I'm back! A full 14 hours and 43 minutes after the previous one. Chinese is finished, and hopefully I won't see it for the rest of my life... Its given me anough mental anguish as it is. Thanks again to the people who encouraged, to the people who prayed for us and all that. When paper 2's resistance stiffened up and when the rain outside, the air-con blast (yeah, we were in the direct air con blast AGAIN) and the need to go to the toilet was making my (our) life (lives) miserable, it was very encouraging... Thank goodness there was no germny guy behind coughing down my neck. But I seriously need a bigger jacket. I think paper 1 was ok... Yeah, it rained, someone ended up in hospital and virtually everyone was crying their eyes out, but oh well, its fiction... Sounds like something out of a badly made Korean serial, but oh well all the same... Paper 2... Lengthy summary, careless mistakes in the first section, disjointed (to me) compre... I hope I can do better than a 7 or I'll just die... A B3 would be nice... Hopefully listening and oral can save my neck. Went out after that with Phoon etcetc met dory and chuaH, saw stella for about 30 sec or so, ate a lot of noodles walked about, saw the harry potter trailer (which, incidentally, looks quite nice, to make understatement). Then came home n slept. S23 is a funny class.... Talk about a one sided feud... Oh well, as the compre says, they can just waste their time n energy with their emnity =) I mean, what? Our class has been too stoned in the last week to have been any serious source of irritation! dotz. Right, to-do list: Oral Presentation Competition Training for St. John (Must go brush up on first aid again) Fencing Yup.. ~JcZw~ at 8:43 pm
I'm blogging at 6 am in the morning.... THE morning, in fact. Just 10 min after I got out of bed, half an hour after waking up. I hope I don't fall asleep later on... slept very little last night.... A few factors.... One, of course, was that I was nervous. The second, well... Just after reading the Bible yesterday (John 15, "Greater love has no other than this, that he lays down his life for his friends"), I heard the worksheets on my table rustle. To hear something rustle at 1230 am off its own accord certainly was quite disconcerting. Even more so when I discovered a cockroach fully as big as the one crawling on the man's back at st. john hq. Its a sad life when cockroaches start following you around. Naturally, I made a series of loud noises, and there began the Great Cockroach Caper, where I hunted my furry six legged nemesis with newspaper, foil, epee, mortein (an insecticide) and guess what? It escaped into a crevice behind my table, no doubt to breeding and come back to kill Jonathan Chan. The latter thus beat a hasty retreat downstairs to where the computers were and slept for about 4 to 5 hours there... To give it credit, I've never seen a cockroach move so fast in my life. It used every inch of cover, hiding behind items which it KNEW I wouldn't slam against the wall to pulverize it... Such as my class photos, my Chinese papers and my birthday cards. Luckily, my parents as well as my brother (who's also taking his O-level Chinese... hope he does better than I did!) were all awake, so there was not really anyone to wake up. Yeah... ok.... its about time for me to go wake my brother if he isn't already... Just want to say... thanks to all the people who gave encouragement in one way or another... really mean a lot to me! For the Chinese taking people: God bless us and give us a clear head for today! ~JcZw~ at 6:00 am
Friday, October 28, 2005 Honestly, I don't have much to blog about, except that I'm relieved that this week was over... those 2 hour sessions of Chinese (which are actually more than 2 hours) can drive one crazy... Felt completely brain dead throughout. And I can't believe I still managed to get 70 over for those tests.... I didn't study for su yu and I did for cheng yu. The scores were 74 and 78 respectively. What does this tell you about how much influence studying has on paper 2? Not much Admittedly it helps for compo lar... So thats what I'm mainly concentrating on. Of course, the first 7 or so places belonged to all the DHS people (which of course, contained Alon and PeiEn too). So... its just 4 days away. One doesn't think if history will repeat, even when circumstances are similar. One just does one's best. And one prays very hard. Not for the questions to be suitable, but that one will be at the peak of one's ability on that day. The first OP presentation went ok I suppose... We all have to be less monotonous and louder.... I called in every skill I knew about try-and-sound-impressive-even-when-you-dunno-what-you're-talking-about (one of the more subtle things learnt in St. John) and sw said my Q&A section was between ME and EE... hoho... But honestly, the project is so monotonous in itself... Thats it for now. Its short isn't it. heh. All the best to all the chinese taking people. And congrats to those that got into OGL. ~JcZw~ at 1:46 pm
Monday, October 24, 2005 Unhealthiness I just did a couple of hours of chinese (its amazing how much time it can take up when you must check up virtually every single word in the dictionary). Thats still ok But then in these couple of hours I ate a lot of unhealthy stuff. Definitely on the road to diabetes and hypertension if i'm not careful (CHOY) The verse in the blog has never applied more to me in my life than now, when everything is just closing down... quite suffocating really... pressure from so many areas. I really need strength from God to just struggle through these last two weeks, and push all negative thoughts and influences to the back of my mind, treat this exam as "just another job". It seems almost a pity to sleep nowadays... I used to love to sleep, but now its like wasting time you could be using for doing chinese, or playing computer, talking to friends, or to be simply awake thinking about fencing and the like.... my goodness I'm at a time of my life when thinking gives satisfaction And then again there is the occasional escape from the pressures of school life like today's sortie to KFC after their OGL interview.... Oh by the way, I found a new science songs site while they were being interviewed.... fun... A few quotes (for better or for worst... well, better... haha) from various people these few weeks. On the class pictures: "What does this tell you about your height then? Haha" - My sister [After I pointed out that my tie was only visible in one picture] "Aiyo! JC allow hair to be kept so long arh?" - A relative (No guesses as to which grp of people she was looking at... haha) On fencing: "Not everything is your fault you know" -A fencing member "Remember your studies come first" -My mother "You don't have to take things personally" -My father On First Aid Club: "I think you and Jonathan are quite okay" -Mrs Ting [to Xuanyi, Reviewing our running of FAC] "mmmrrrggghhhhhurhurhurhur" -Xuanyi and me [In response to the above] On ordinary school life: "No, it dropped" -Keefe [In response to the query on whether he cut his hair] "I was like ow, ow ow, OW OWW!" -Phoon [relating his pain after I fell asleep on the bus with my shoulder digging into his upper arm I think when the bus was deccelerating] "We can get Desmond!" -Li Ling [on potential cheerleaders for next year] "I almost died from boredom" -Xunai [Echoing our sentiments on Chinese class] ~JcZw~ at 10:49 pm
Saturday, October 22, 2005 Pictures again today... if you're patient enough for the 20 sec or so for them to load, or more, if you're using an antiquated Pentium 2 or something.... Mock chinese.... I did much better than I expected, considering I was asleep for much of the paper 1 segment... Not bad lar... haha... Yesterday went out with classmates... heh... We (or mainly, Christl) were laughing really loudly in pastamania... I bet the staff were all happy to see us go lar, they were so like "Thanks for coming, THANKS for coming" *would you all get out quickly before our eardrums burst*. Argh! Phoon n his body parts... hahah That was a very economical meal, if I say so myself... I ate my breakfast, lunch and dinner combined for $8 at Pastamania... whoo I did a spot of analysing of Chinese after I came home.... Three things could have happened: 1. The DHS teacher is right. The passing mark for Chinese was pushed up ridiculously high to 67. This would explain how come Pei En, JiaMin and I, who usually get A1, B3 and C5 respectively, now got C5, D7 and E8 respectively. However, as Stella said, this does not account for how people who usually don't do well for Chinese can pass, and now that she mentioned it, yes that is true. 2. The DHS teacher is wrong. The D7 was caused by unenforced error. However, this does not account for why at least 3 other HCL students (from chinese schools to boot) got such miserable marks for HCL. The only thing I could have done terribly wrong was the compo, but I remember I was very happy with it, and my gut instinct never lets me down that badly. 3. The examiner could have marked wrongly. Again, highly unlikely cos of the above mentioned consistency with several other students. THE POINT IS, in all 3 cases, I still don't have a particular weak point to pinpoint and keep shooting to prevent a similar disaster to occur, so I guess I should continue to proceed normally. Or not. To proceed normally means heading for a C5 on my A-level cert which I definitely don't feel inclined to get. ____________________________________________________________________ Right. My cat has been acting really funny these few days. Two days ago I emerged from the house to find it doing a hamster impression on the porch. I took several pictures to try and capture its roundness.... Here are the two most satisfactory ones. ![]() ![]() Yesterday, it was sitting on the car when I was putting on my shoes. My father went up to it and tried to talk it off. ![]() ![]() He ended up having a staring contest with it. For the record, I asked "should I get him off" n my father replied "when we start up he'll leave" We started up He didn't jump off until we reached the end of the porch and was about to turn into the road. Funny feller. ![]() The sheer difference in fatness in my cats... ___________________________________________________________________ On thursday almost the whole class pon-ed the whole day, staying in the welfare room playing bridge, carrom (Vibha is really good at carrom), mahjong and the like. I think we only came that day for the lecture on Macluarin's Series. Had FAC after that and I nearly committed suicide by saying "Can we pon lesson to do duty during O1" very loudly as we tidied up the sickbays, which were barely 10 meters to Mrs Chan's office... ![]() The VJ First Aid Store ![]() Store Check. Thats Xuan Yi from Kong Hwa in the background, checking her first aid kits. Mine are in the foreground. ___________________________________________________________________ Today went out with classmates again (I'm eating really unhealthily) after the University talk, which was... sleepifying.... Ran into Lujia on the way home at Bedok MRT, my classmate for 4 years in AHS... She was my partner for Science Prac and Home Econs for this period (courtesy of the fact that she was the last girl and I was the first guy in index number in Sec. 1 and Sec. 2). I recall she used to yell a lot in my ear and once drew a smiley face on my white school shoes with a red pen while I was sleeping.... waha... Yeah did a spot of catching up n all, between Bedok and Kembangan... Yup, just some random stuff for today.... Happy Birthday Xunai! ~JcZw~ at 4:06 pm
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 Alright... temporary reprieve.. 19th October, and Written Report is submitted n Mock Chinese is off my mind. For now. Tonight I'm gonna sleep early. Due to a combination of Open House, Fencing, SJ-ing and predominantly, PW, I've slept a grand total of 24 hours in 5 days... Whoo i feel insane. Although they say that lack of sleep does not detract from sleep, I had severe trouble getting my point on target during foil training last night. White (off-target, for non-fencers) lights galore. I got so thrashed by Su San. Not to mention I've fallen asleep in a variety of locations: Tuesday: LT5, Bio lect, phy lect T31, Chinese tuitorial V24, PW Wednesday: Stage, concourse, bridging session T32, maths, bio LT5, Chinese mock exam Yes, I fell asleep during mock exam. The whole thing was such a glorious waste of time. I fell asleep during the first paper 1 half after I had gotten swiped by a car in my compo and sent to hospital AGAIN! and while my parents were visiting me. How to survive 3 months of NS BMT with minimum sleep if I'm feeling so weird only after 5 days! No wonder people can accidentally shoot their squadmates... Mock exam was a horror. Pei En said (and I agree wholeheartedly) that it was harder than promo. I'll be hard-pressed to pass. First, it was cold. It was raining outside, I was under an aircon vent which sent a icy blast on my head. I took to the old method: donning my sister's trusty jacket, but I promise the only part kept was were my forearms. The first part to chill were my ears (my right ear is elvish... heh). My hands were frozen and my proteins were all inactivated. If my jacket had a hood it would have been useful, but it didn't. I have to mention though, that my condition probably was mild comapared to people like Phoon (who had no jacket) and Xunai (who had no jacket or long pants). But there was this disgusting person from S16 who was sitting behind me and kept coughing n sneezing n grunting behind me. Distracting to say the least. Even Tintin who was sitting across the aisle from me turned ard once to stare in my direction cos of him. But he was doing all that WITHOUT COVERING HIS MOUTH AND NOSE!! DISGUSTING! ARGH! EWWWWW!! EW TO THE POWER OF INFINITY! So I could feel a blast of air whenever he coughed. The back of my head and jacket is probably all germy now, unless it got rubbed off on the walls of 7-11 and the MRT. Yeah anyway with all the factors put together, the mock exam was quite a miserable affair, but I'm glad its out of the way. I'm going to sleep soon yeah. I need to get my sleep cycle back or its finis.... And if I don't come to school tomorrow, its either cos I've overslept, or cos a certain person of S16 has germ-ed me to death. G'night There was also an urgent need to go to the toilet, although I had just went before the paper, ~JcZw~ at 8:25 pm
Monday, October 17, 2005 Blogging again barely an hour after the other one... I've got more stuff to get off my system. I really need God's peace at this time of my life. Under a lot of pressure to perform. Actually its just for fencing cos my parents don't really have that high expectations for my exams (although, of course, they expect me to study hard and do my best). Today only 10 people turned up for practise. 10 out of 18, and of these 8 absentees, the one that I can credit for having the basic courtesy to actually tell me the night before was Jomaine, the VIPer rep in the exco. She's still a sec. 3 age, she was feverish n all, but she beat all these able-d bodied Year 1s to informing me that she couldn't come. Kudos to her... talk about setting a good example =) End result, we were late, and wasted our training time in the process. 20 min late to be exact. But the point is, if you want to be treated like a sport, then we must BEHAVE like a sport! Remember at the start of the year when Mr Tan told us that we were just a "recreational CCA"? Remember how we vowed to pull fencing up? Iiiiii remember the things I said during the exco interview. And I do not intend them to be empty promises. But things don't seem to go well all throughout. Look at girls' soccer... just set up this year and they're already widely known, they have their own training schedule and all the members MAKE SURE they STICK to the training schedule. Its hard to forget Charmaine showing me the picture of her n her fellow 'keeper, muddy from diving in a wet field, or SiHui telling me how they had to run through the rain. They train regardless of rain or shine. But fencing? People don't come cos they forget to bring equipment... cos they have tests... or simply cos its not on their priority list. I don't know what they feel, but every member who doesn't come is a nail in the fencing coffin, then they will come n argue abt "why do I have to pay $40 when I only came for 2 trainings" like HELLO?!?! You took a committment when you joined the CCA?!?! The point is, the fencing club will never become established while we only have 1 training a week. How fast can you improve like that? Ok, so there are the extra free fencing sessions throughout the week. I don't make it compulsory. I CAN'T make it compulsory cos we're the only sport who has a non-PE teacher who doesn't understand the value of training and who's only concern is our results and getting home safely! But look at the results! Today who were the people that held the piste? Maurice and I who come every week to fence! Who seeded highest in the Under-17? The results are all evident to see. How can you do anything great without committment? How does a captain inspire his members? Gerry and George seem to get it done fine, inspiring their RCC members. But of fencing... the circle of committed members is small and still shrinking. The threat of "we will close down your club" is still very real, and I don't have the solution. Sighz ~JcZw~ at 11:52 pm
Mixed feelings for this one... I didn't expect to do well for Bio and Chem, but I didn't expect to do badly for maths. The world is upside down. But I'm fortunate, and I think I'm like totally blessed by God to get what I got... But I committed one serious tactical EQ error today which I hope I don't live to regret. The promise that I made to myself is partially fufilled. I vindicated my Bio for Mrs Foo who predicted death and disaster on my mid years and promos cos of topics such as genetics. I really owe Mr Chong one for helping me over that topic which so many people seemed to do it yi ru fan zhang. But there still remains the toughest one... Chinese. Honestly, promos were a tough set of papers... Those that I knew how to do, I didn't have time to complete. Those that I didn't, I still didn't have time to complete anyway. Just because a few people did well, doesn't mean everyone is capable of doing well. Don't blame yourself alright... everyone already did their best... n everyone is good in his or her own way.. Cheer up =) ______________________________________________________________________________________ I've tasted failure at major exams before. In retrospect, I got a gut feeling one day this experience will be of some use further down in my life. But today was the ultimate clanger. Chinese in the morning was exhausting. Having slept less than 6 hours per night for the last 3 nights, I was already tired enough this morning and the coffee didn't help. I think I conked out halfway. Got a B4 overall, but who cares.. its the actual one that counts. At least it gave me time to attempt to repair the training buzzers. My penknife is going to become my new addition to my pants-cil case.... Only my pen and knife occupy my pocket now.. the rest have disappeared. Honestly, I was trying to keep cheerful and optimistic throughout the day. But I'll never forget this sentence that came out in a conversation with classmates. "You should have seen how hard we [the non-chinese taking people] studied last year". Why should it stick. Obvious reasons. 7 months. 7 months. I so didn't study lar. And others didn't study and managed to get their grades so easily. Poring over the shou ce in the canteen in school, at home on my bed, as the rain thundered down outside the hawker centre on the 1st November 2004 over a bowl of chicken porridge sitting opposite Xuan Ming. April to November. Sometimes have a photographic memory is self-destructive. Then I wouldn't remember this sentence, nor about the o-levels. Do not think that only the people who passed worked hard. I wonder if it would have affected Pei En, Jiamin, Alon, or if it affected Keefe, but somehow I don't think so. So how to counter this? Its easy. I just have to fufil the promise to myself. N trusting myself to God as I continue. "Just a few more weary days and then I'll fly away, fly away" -Fly Away (When I last mentioned these lyrics, people thought I was suicidal. I'm not. ) ~JcZw~ at 9:23 pm
Saturday, October 15, 2005 It just occured to me that on the 8th of March I vowed to myself that I would do well in Chinese this year. It has just occured to me now that I am nowhere near that goal. My end year results were something like JUST BELOW B4.... heh... far from A1... or B3 for that matter. It just occured to me that maybe nows the time to forget everything about being angry at missing all those free periods, having to wake up early for school in the next week, spending half my time over chinese hw and blah. And to just concentrate and not give up. I don't know how much willpower it'll take, but with God's help I'll get through it. And I might get a decent grade through it too... Although admittedly, I don't know how, since there's no syllabus to study or something.... They say that its easier than HCL and all HCL-ers should find it no kick. I, Jiamin and PeiEn wish to differ in that aspect though. Time will tell... I'm just sick of feeling bitter n frustrated... I think I have to just release all these negative feelings. How I dunno. I'll find a way. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Anyway on to happier stuff. Today was open house! Wah very tiring, cos last night couldn't sleep, partially cos I was scared n excited, and cos I had the dance song ringing in my head. Slept at 1230 am, woke at 6 am, reached school at 0740. Had fun hanging banner and blah. ![]() Evidently, Phoon owns a motorcycle company. I've found a useful new addition to my pants-cil case... but to my classmates, not to worry, I still use the pen-cil case for the remainder.... heh... Live demo... was ok lar, Daniel and I moved properly, but he won both bouts, cos usually its his length versus my speed. But fencing on the stage floor is like fencing on ice... The lacquer layer makes its so slippery and totally slows down any fast controlled movement so my speed was negated. The first one was quite sad lar.... right after the dance performance about 3/4 of the audience left the hall... the bad thing is that while wushu and dance are both competitive through aesthetics, and thus follow a fixed format which is practised again and again (until you get the final result we saw), fencing is impromptu... like trying to choreograph a dance, making up the steps as you go along. Victoria (right after the first demo): "We need music" Me: "We don't have music and we wouldn't be able to use it if we could" The other performances that I saw were quite great too: Rock Climbing. Gerry went up like a homesick angel (one dressed in harness and powder bag anyway). She is like super pro.. even at the overhang! Mursjid, Christl, Charmaine and I were all like really impressed! Dance. Stella, Phoon and Mursjid were dancing their rock n roll thingy again... Eileen was doing salsa... Quite nice lar... n the song is still ringing in my head... haha... ![]() Phoon and Stella in the centre n Mursjid with his partner on the right ![]() Phoon and Stella... The picture is way blur cos they were oscillating up and down and left to right very fast.. haha... ![]() Either the air was of lower density, or the quality of flowers was better, cos no flowers broke at this point of the dance this time. Wushu. Nice to watch too... Sharp movements and all... no wonder they won so much stuff at their comp. There was the occasional fun thing also.... I beat Mr Seet 2-0 at a mock fencing bout... hehe... he said "come, you do with me" n i said ok, and at the "allez" I step-ped forward and hit his foot at once... then i was like "sorry sorry did i hit very hard".... waha.. When I mentioned to Tintin he said something like "good good" =D Mr Chong came to try a duel... he offered Chee Hoe 10 marks for Bio if he could beat him, but of course Mr Chong won... Both were novices but Mr Chong had a wayyyy longer arm. ![]() ![]() And of course, was all the mass dances! Although admittedly we were absorbing the sun rather than catching the breeze (who needs to warm up? Neutron will do) it was wayy fun... Although Phoon, Stella, Xunai n I forgot a lot of stuff (all the things i read in the mass dance website leaked out since JAE), n totally muddled our way through friendship dance it was still a fantastic atmosphere... I remember when I came to open house last year my most vivid memory was what seemed like a whole carpark full of mad VJC-ers bellowing " ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh, ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh". Yup went to Mos Burger with some classmates to eat Dinner Part I. Just came back n finished Dinner Part 2 (cos my mother's having a party, so I should still eat anyway). Yeah feeling quite happy today, denial rammed to full throttle, and trying to be optimistic about PW =/ All the best to everyone for PW... endure for just anotehr 3 weeks and it'll all be over! _____________________________________________________________________________________ ~JcZw~ at 7:58 pm
Thursday, October 13, 2005 Is VJ all that fun and hyped up as it is? For sure to a certain extent it is, but then occasionally you touch the ugly side of things that makes you hate life in general. And I mean, make you thoroughly sian-ed, like whats all this fuss about man... Today definitely classes among the days I wouldn't want to live through again. It was not all bad, but some parts were.... argh!! I haven't felt so bitter for such a long time. Just let me VENT everything! I dunno what others think, but I am desperate for our Written Report. For so long we had been led on that our group was one of the "most on track ones" and that we only needed to cut down a little on the word limit, do a little linking and we're done. Instead, today we find out that it still requires a major overhaul. Thanks man, its only 6 more days to the deadline and we can't even meet on saturday cos of open house. Leaves only sunday and not everyone can make it then either. I mean, can't we just get it right, like 3 months ago, that there is something SERIOUSLY WRONG with our written report and get it OVER and DONE with correcting it, instead of us floudering about with barely a week to spare? Its enough to see red. Then I had to edit my fencing brochure to include people whom I don't think play that impt a role in the fencing club, and have done nothing to contribute to it. Stayed up til 1230 last night to get it right, nearly damaged it, and now I'm told that I "don't need so many" just a hundred or do will suffice! I can't believe the nerve that person had to tell me that when that person doesn't know half the things that go on in the club. That person has never stood up with us (or for us), has never tried to help us develop or anything. That person doesn't know what its like to BE in a sport. Then my last weapon and the only asset that our club has in common with the prestigious CCAs - the committment of the members - also began to wane. Ask them pass up money before school starts, don't have. Ask them meet in concourse to do open house prep, how many turned up? How many actually had the courtesy to give reasons? I don't deny that everyone has more than one CCA, but if people like Maurice and Eileen can tell me that they have things on, so can everyone else! Quote from the ISFJ description: they are notoriously bad at delegating ("If you want it done right, do it yourself"). Do you wonder? I detailed instructions to 13 people and barely half of them followed. I ended up running around the school collecting money from various people who hadn't paid up in the morning. 3 nails in the coffin and still counting The final straw was the fencing, photog and rcc shirts arrived. Guess who's was printed wrongly? As we walked back to the concourse carrying a large bag of misprinted shirts, the only thought I could think of was "Why does it seem that the world is doing everything it can to obstruct the fencing club in anyway it can". In retrospect, I know thats not quite true, but what else was I meant to think? They're gonna replace the shirt for us, and my members are quite ready to wear the misprinted one during the open house, but I was, I AM, so DISAPPOINTED!!! I mean, Victoria and I harried the IPs, I had to spend time enlarging it, thicken it, spent a whole night on it when I should, I SHOULD have been studying for promos, we went down to Dayton just before promos, ALL BECAUSE I WANTED TO DO IT RIGHT, GET IT DONE IN TIME, GIVE THE CLUB AN IDENTITY, SOMETHING WE COULD BE PROUD ABOUT, and WHAT HAPPENED?? Everything that I planned in the past week simply just went to pieces today.... getting the shirts ready, collecting money, etcetc. The only good point was that the few members that were around showed really good attitude and were very enthu is helping with the banner and blah. The practise for the live demo went well, but I hope we can make the bout look realistic (the second hit seems quite fine), but I kept missing my target... sighz... For once in my life, I am sian-ed about fencing. I hope it goes away by tomorrow. ~JcZw~ at 8:16 pm
Wednesday, October 12, 2005 My second hundred posts are gonna go very fast, since I'm virtually blogging at least once every two days. But I might as well do it fast in case I need to start studying for re-exam... Just got back from school after FAC-ing.... man there are so many things to do... N everyone else is having PW except my group I think... Tintin n Jiamin both can't make it today... sighz... left sunday afternoon lor. I really must start feeding my PW group something other than macaroni, although admittedly macaroni is quite nice... Maybe I can feed them other VARIATIONS of macaroni... like that so-addictive cheese macaroni. Right anyway. I was on the bus today, 854 to be exact, going to Bedok Interchange. At the interchange, everyone piled off the bus except for this man who was sleeping. I contemplated waking him up cos he had to get off the bus. How does one wake a complete stranger? Here were the options: 1. The St. John way: Kick his chair, blow a whistle and yell "Fire fire fire!" 2. The Malory Towers way (Read Enid Blyton's series to discover why. Also could be from the St. Clare's or Naughtiest Girl series.): Shake him out of his chair, open your water bottle and empty the contents on him 3. The ChuaH way. I was seriously tempted to use this one: Using your finger or any other pointy implement or appendage, poke him hard under the ribs. The adrenaline rush from the impact is guaranteed to wake anyone up with a bang, provided his heart doesn't stop from the rush in his adrenal system =) 4. My mother's way: Shake repeatedly, calling the person's name. If all else fails, start shining lights into the person's eyes, until he wakes. This is mainly cos my mother wakes me up only at very important things when I need to be ejected from the bed quickly. Also, use extremes of temperature. Either remove the blanket and leave air-con on, or remove aircon and leave blanket on... heheh 5. My father's way: Call once, switch on the light and go away. This is my favourite one actually... 6. My sister's way: One ice cube, down the back of the neck, 'nuff said. Actually I think she only did it to me once (under my mother's orders to "get him awake at all costs"). Similar reactions to that of the ChuaH method. Sadly, I didn't have the nerve (or in some cases, the raw materials), so I just tapped him on the shoulder asked "D'you want to get off?" and then ran away when he moved to spare him embarrassment and me, awkwardness. Add the fact I can run quite fast, I think maybe he thought his guardian angel had woken him. Yup. And yes!! Now that I think about it (though I mentioned it in the last post) I'm really happy Coach approved the pamphlet! Yay!! ___________________________________________________________________ I discovered a really hilarious site, or rather my father did... http://www.physicssongs.org. Here's a sample... Snell's Law, n to the sine of the theta When the n gets lower then the theta will be greater As the n gets greater, the light which reach there later, Hey, n sine theta. Compare the original lyrics: Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena Ehhhh, Macarena I LAUGHED my HEAD off for HALF an HOUR while reading the website... Listening to staid professors singing "You'll be the B field and I'll be the E field, we'll dance through the cosmos together" -Tune of Loch Lomond "Ye'll take the high road and I'll take the low road and I'll be in Scotland a'fore ye" and "Singing n one sine theta sub one heyheyhey equals n two sine theta sub 2 hip hooray" made me crack up totally... There were also lyrics to other sites which had various lyrics "Tie a phosphate-ester bond to carbon 3" (Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree) "Speedy the visible light ray" (Rudolf the red nosed raindeer) "Paul fell out a flying airplane" (Deck the halls with boughts of holly) "Gravity gravity keeps us on the ground" (Jingle bells jingle bells, jingle all the way) Wahaha everyone must go there n take a looK! ___________________________________________________________________ Thats wraps it up for now, my brother needs the computer. See y'all =) ~JcZw~ at 11:06 am
Tuesday, October 11, 2005 Exhaustion. Mentally. So many things in my head. Venting in the blog i guess. Outing today. Sentosa. Gave me a lot of things to think about. Ultimate frisbee.... which I stepped on Li Ling's foot... oops sorry... Soccer... which I sliced open my big toe neatly on the road. Smart. Must start carry more plasters ard in my wallet. I must say I didn't know I had so much blood in my big toe. Playing about in the water... Monkey and blah.... Swallowed a lot of water. Haven't had so much fun since the first 3 months... it was just great to be having fun with friends n all =) ... But even now something is missing... What happened to all the bonding n all that... when the class went everywhere and did everything together..... The innocence the first three months is gone for good... a combination of a need to study, parents (cos we're supposed to be studying), external factors (in the first 3 months, we didn't have to worry about CCA too much). How do you say... I didn't know others shared my view about certain issues (or rather, I didn't know I shared the view of others). I didn't know how to express it in words, or to write about it because I was afraid of hurting others. But... today I realised... Why is it I find it so hard to build a friendship with those that I used to treat as good friends? I owe another an apology. I said something without thinking that annoyed that person I think. Or maybe I said a few. I don't know. Fencing today after the outing. Tired An over-exerted hand cos of badminton, a cut toe, all mild in comparison to the fact that I hadn't touched my foil for 3 months or so Thrashed 15-7 by Su San. Timing all out. Stop hits galore. How to win novices? How to bring fencing to greater heights in this world where only championships count? The school didn't even blink an eye when Daniel won a bronze... Thats too ordinary, even for a new CCA that competes against people with 8 times the experience. What qualities should a captain have? Not the same as those of an OC, not exactly the same. It doesn't count that he is good. I know people who are good but only fence and fence. They don't care about their members, or about how others fare, only about themselves. They don't bother about pamphlets, or making their presentation look good. Maybe its because they aren't threatened with closure so much, maybe it doesn't bother them. But the good captain will get along with his members, his coach, his teacher, will take time to look after everyone, and to make sure they are doing well. In some, I pass, in others, I fail miserably. But there are somethings which I cannot do, and it is this thought that irkes me. There is still some other qualities, which I have yet to pinpoint. Maybe along the way we could even win a medal or two.. Sorry for the incoherence. Having a funn day of exertion and eating your dinner only at 1045 at night gives a weird combination and a exhausting degree of sleepiness. ~JcZw~ at 10:51 pm
Sunday, October 09, 2005 Well well... it sure is a nice feeling to feel bored after all the excitement of promos. Until results come back, my denial mode is firmly set to "on", right through the firewall =) Rejoice rejoice! I finished the fencing brochure for open house! Just hope it comes out well when its photocopied... I spent 9 pm ytday to 1 am today to do it, and another half hour in the afternoon... But with nothing else to do, it gave a very good sense of fufilment =D I'm not going to let it out of my sight!! If I lose it or something I will just roll over and die. Managed to get the receipt from the armband person too... But then she said "since its for your school I must charge the 5% GST". Haiyar, no amount of bargaining could get her to change her mind. Yup, so two down four to go... I will have to back to school either on monday or tuesday to look for teachers as well as to try and print the pamphlet. I really hope coach approves it too... heh.... Maurice just came over to watch the Olympic Fencing Videos... Oh my, the national teams of Germany, Hungary, France, Switzerland etc move so fast!!! How long have they trained man! And they're also so tall!! Anyway I'm beginning to gather inspirations for our duel on saturday. Hopefully after that not so many people would come and say "Fencing? Our school has fencing?" Still a lot of things to do though... I hope I can make it for the outings and stuff... Oh yeah... Wei Lun sent me the food additives song that our ionic equilibrium teacher has been letting us listen to. After listeining to it intermittently for an hour yesterday, I can memorize the first verse. How come I can't do this for bio, chem, or anything else eh? Maybe I should start putting the gravitation equations into songs too.... ___________________________________________________________________ Weird dreams come all the time nowadays... Before promos, during promos and even after promos... What do I dream about? Friends mainly... individual classmates, SJ-ers, or groups of them. Some dreams are mainly around one or two people, but others encompass many persons. I wouldn't say they're bad (at least they're not about DNA anymore), but some of them remind me of things that I'd rather forget. Anyway.. I think thats all I'll write for now... Hopefully I'll do it again soon. ~JcZw~ at 6:16 pm
Saturday, October 08, 2005 So it ends. Although not the way I'd like it be. I'll be lucky to pass physics. I almost didn't know any answer for certain at all. Not even dynamics, circular motion or gravitation. I think my S-paper is gone. But oh well, no point speculating... Just leaving the result to God and concentrating on the present. Actually, the present at the moment is quite fun to live in! Yesterday after the paper went to Seoul Garden at Takashimaya somewhere there (It was near Kinokunya anyway). Only the second time I've been there... the last time I went to a Seoul Garden I was in Primary School I think... the only thing I could remember was that there was fire coming out from holes in the table. Yeah, predictably, we ate a lot, albeit veryy slowly.Unfortunately after awhile the varieties of food became kinda monotonous. Very amusing meal though... Desmond the Mussleman... hoho... n I was *not* sharing a drink with ChuaH. =D After the meal (and eating all sorts of... funnily shaped.... things during dessert), I made a commute to the toilet. WhY oh why do people persist in bringing their young daughters to the toilet? I mean, there was just an article in the forum about bringing children into changing rooms and such right? Or at least put that girl where she can't see anything!! If you permit the graphic description, that 4-year old girl single handedly amptied the entire row of urinals. All of us were waiting for cubicles. Irritating. And bad for the kidneys. Yeah after that (also for a second time in my life), we went to take neoprints. I can't believe I did that, especially since that place was so pink. Heh but quite fun. Although Alon and I got whacked in the face by various ponytails in the process... Ahaha!! Another neoprint-decorating-related incident made me want to publish my developed ChuaH article which he wanted me to write about him... =D Next went to Paragon (where every brand name is French, Italian, Japanese, or some other branded thing) to walk around.. Would you pay $27 for a straw hat? Then back to Wisma for phoon to look at shoes... Pushed off after that with Gerry and LiLing who left at Dhoby Ghaut, met Phoon at the City Hall MRT again while waiting for the connecting train. Yeah Chiong-ed home, emptied my bag, shoved in my fencing stuff, put together my blades, mask and shoes and sped to Fencing Masters. I haven't reached there so fast in my life. But by the time I reached only Maurice, Ker Wee and Esther an ITE girl were there.... Sighz.. I damaged my epee again. FM is really small, combined with I'm not that good a fencer. I knocked my electric tip off on the wall. Its gonna cost me $16 to replace it. Lucky this week so far I've only spent $14+ on yesterday's outing (only? actually its quite a bit). I hate that wall. I've ran into it twice (headfirst and backfirst) and now knocked my tip off. Anyway Coach recommended that we choreograph our duel. After fencing with Maurice I agree. We knew each other's styles so well that for 2 whole minutes our blades didn't touch at all. If that happens during Open House it'll be darn sian. Right... to-do list: FAC: 1. Check prices of plasters 2. Get receipt from the armband person 3. Ask Mrs Ting abt the above two Fencing: 1. Chorograph duel 2. Collect money for shirts 3. Pamphlet St. John: 1. Do newsletter OSSIS!!!: 1. Outing 2. Outing 3. Outing Whoo so many things to do... I hope I'll be able to do the last category more... haha... Yup.... Denial mode on. I'm gonna forget about promos and academics for a while =) ~JcZw~ at 11:26 am
Thursday, October 06, 2005 Glorious glorious maths. And of course my left hand is crossed behind my back. Ok actually it wasn't that bad.... that is, I left less blanks than midyears. But to make up for that I had to rush through, and given my affinity for careless mistakes that isn't good. What rattled me the most was that for the first time in my life I didn't know how to do the induction and partial fractions. PARTIAL FRACTIONS!!! Just before the paper I was telling Christl that I wish there was only partial fractions. And I couldn't do this one!!! Horrible!! And to cap it all, induction was 9 marks. Gah. Left the house really early today... 6.15. For the first time no one was at the traffic light to gawk at my helmet. But cycling at that hour one must concentrate a lot... In the dawn light, you can't tell whether a pedestrian is far or near, walking towards you or away from you. Still, quite fun. Not to mention my bike is lit up like a Christmas tree thanks to those pressure sensitive things. Well, I was so shaken up at the end of the paper that when they asked us to pass forward our unused paper I began to act funny Ears: Pass forward unused paper Brain: "................" Ears: PASS FORWARD UNUSED PAPER! Brain "................." Eyes: Hmm? Alvin give me unused paper for what? Brain: "................" Pass the what? Ears: Paper. P-A-P-E-R Brain: The what? ahh, just give them the whole thing 5 min later: Brain: Unused paper? You said unused paper? Needless to say, I'm short of a question paper now. The invigilator will be amused I hope... Anyway after paper.... Whoo it was as if promos were over... Planning what to do tomorrow. I think we're going out to eat or something... Right, I won't bring my bike then... Ain't fun cycling to town. Although cycling would be fun too... Or ice skating or something. ___________________________________________________________________ Read Straits Times over the past few days? The fencing national teams have been doing not bad in the Australian Open! See! Fencing is so up-and-coming!!! Must develop it! If RJ got national fencers then VJ also can have! Haha... Anyway yar, the team that thrashed us in Pesta Sukan won a bronze, so yeah, we did not bad... The irony of it... The Australian team that denied them a silver was called "Victoria". Dotz... Open house coming... exciting! haha... must start collecting money soon for shirts and blah.... We're debating whether to do a spontaneous demonstration, or a choreographed demonstration... Spontaneous can be exciting or boring depending on who's fencing.... If Maurice and I do a spotaneous demo... well we know each other's moves so well we'll jsut be runnign up and down for a minute and a half. Choreographed will have guaranteed excitment... We can replicate all our best hits (Mine will be any close quarter hit =Pp) but then must practise lar... Whoo exciting Anyway before that we'll have to counter physics first... Yup... jiayou for the S(N-2)s -where n is the number of faculties in VJ- ~JcZw~ at 1:16 pm
Tuesday, October 04, 2005 Whoo! Day 2 into promos. Bio today.. Well, day 3 if you consider GP. Now I know what its like to be on the receiving end of a blitzkrieg. Get shot "up, down, flying around" by the exams ain't fun. I'm sure many who read the blog will already know of my numerous frustrations and blah. Well its true. I need to complain about Bio first. Basically I predicted everything wrongly, the questions came from a totally unexpected angle. Cell Bio instead of photosynthesis and respiration!! I'm never gonna predict questions again!! I think it would have been easier to fence Maurice and Daniel at the same time and win than to get an A for bio. And my handwriting was atrocious. There was once when I compressed the word "help" so much that it looked like "" ... oh well... lets see what God has in store.. whats the point worrying anyway. I'm just gonna sit back, listen to relaxing music for a while, then go and do maths. Or chem. Or physics. My physics is... only covered until mid years? (forces) Thank goodness for the influx of relaxing songs I've got various sources x) On a happier note, its back to cycling to school for me until fencing training starts again. But I admit, the weather is quite extreme to be bumbling up and down the Siglap Park Connector... Not to mention all the VJC students who gawk at my helmet at the traffic light. Haven't seen helmet before meh? Dotz I can imagine.... "Whats that he's wearing on his head" "Mushroom lar.... never see shitake mushroom before issit?" "Mushroom? So weird" "Yar lor, thats why people rarely wear it" Man, I bet I'm the 1% of the population in Singapore that wears a helmet. I've cycled since I was a kiddie and my red bicycle (which got stolen at the start of this year) has been used since P5. I don't fear running into things. I fear things running into me! I don't feel inclined to chiong at a vehicle travelling in the opposite direction and see whether the collision is elastic or not, oh no. But sometimes you can't help it. I wouldn't be so stupid to ram a car y'know. Although I admit, the last time I got into an accident it was my fault. I jumped off my bike and banged my head into the side of the sheet metal sign above me. Why do they put the signs so low anyway!! I was only 13_-something! If it weren't for my helmet I would have been split like a watermelon encountering a guillotine that is accelerating at 9.81 ms^-2 Thats the reason why I had to change my white helmet for this newer one. But people still gawk at my shitake mushroom. I mean, yesterday MR WONG was gawking at it!! He was like "whats that?" If I had a time to think of replies to the numerous people who asked "whats that" they would be somewhere along the line of maybe "Oh thats my pet fungus... In case I get hungry between papers" Anyway, today still taught me not to be complacent. Tired of VJC students staring at me at the traffic light (Or occasionally, snickering... Derek!!)I decided to push off at 6.25 today. It didn't add up in my plans I made the night before that it might be drizzling. But anyway my uniform is waterproof, I had my windbreaker (which is still too small for me) and off I went. Man it was cold.. It wasn't raining outright, mind you, but it was drizzling enough and enough of a breeze was blowing to make it a little above frigidity. Still, I was quite cheerful as I only had 3 hours sleep the night before but felt absolutely awake. Great weather. Really! =) . I shivered my way across Sims Avenue, Upper Changi Road and onto the park connector. I was singing "Great is Thy Faithfulness to me" I'd just gotten to the line "strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside" which cheered me up a bit cos I really needed strength to endure my 4 major projects clashing together. When I sneezed. I sneezed and nearly went through the barrier and into the monsoon drain. Somehow my left side reacted more than my right and pulled back, letting the bike jerk left. I recovered and just straightened out when a maid riding an old bicycle WITH NO SIGNAL LIGHTS WHATSOEVER came zooming out of the darkness. I jerked both brakes again and felt the wheels slide on the leafy pavement and just managed to avoid collision. Shades of Thomas the Tank Engine. Yup. Anyway I hope it keeps raining. I could do with cooler journeys to and from school =) Take care everyone... Continue doing your best for your exam! ~JcZw~ at 1:12 pm
Sunday, October 02, 2005 Right even more photos today. You know when I've got nothing contructive to blog about when I start putting in photos... but they're nice okay... ahaha... Dawn brought up this interesting point... At this time of the year, people are living in only two sets of clothes. One is our school uniform, and the other (for me) would be my white shirt and black/dark blue pants. I have way too many white shirts and black/dark blue pants. Thats what comes of going to all those St. John camps. Yeah anw, I never touch my SJ stuff now, n outdoor clothes are only wore to church and church-related events.... Anyway, today on the way back from church, we listened to another nice song on the car's player. Here's an extract. As sure as gold is precious and the honey sweet So you love this city and you love these streets Every child out playing by their own front door Every baby laying on the bedroom floor Every dreamer dreaming in her dead-end job Every driver driving through the rush hour mob I feel it in my spirit, feel it in my bones You're going to send revival, bring them all back home CHORUS: I can hear that thunder in the distance Like a train on the edge of town I can feel the brooding of Your Spirit "Lay your burdens down, Lay your burdens down" From the Preacher preaching when the well is dry To the lost soul reaching for a higher high From the young man working through his hopes and fears To the widow walking through the veil of tears Every man and woman, every old and young Every fathers daughter, every mothers son I feel it in my spirit, feel it in my bones You're going to send revival, bring them all back home I can hear that thunder in the distance Like a train on the edge of town I can feel the brooding of Your Spirit "Lay your burdens down, Lay your burdens down" Revive us Revive us Revive us with your fire! -[Extract] Revival, by Robin Mark Nice song. I think the line "From the young man working through his hopes and fears" pretty much symbolizes what we're all going through at the moment (and for the next couple of years too actually). Here are a few photos from the recent wedding which we attended: ![]() My brother and I at sentosa, standing by the shore (just after the ceremony). This picture was taken by my sister. ![]() The shoreline, which my artistic brother said looked nice and worth taking. ![]() This is me and my sister at church today... I know I look kinda ridiculous... I really must go n cut my hair soon, it makes me look too round. Anyway ALL THE BEST FOR PROMOS (for year 1s) AND EOYE (for my juniors). May God grant everyone a clear mind and no panic =) and enable everyone to do their best ~JcZw~ at 2:04 pm